The third training workshop using the "Writing Peace Manual" will take place from 23 to 24 April 2019 in Cairo, Egypt, involving 12 schools.
Forty-eight secondary school students and teachers will participate in this training to take place at the premises of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO in Cairo.
Writing Peace is a manual designed to provide schoolchildren (aged 8-18) with intercultural competencies. Through familiarization with writing systems, students discover and become aware of the cultural interdependence, our respective multiple identities, their history and cultural heritage.
This is the third of a series of training sessions with the network of UNESCO Offices and their local partners, including the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet).
Furthermore, the Global Writing Peace Piloting (GWPP) which was launched on 4 April 2019 involves 40 countries until 31 July 2019. The objective of the GWPP is to underline the essential need for intercultural competencies as part of basic education, leading to global citizenship education. The manual will be practiced through several weeks by the registered schools in the GWWP to perceive its impact on children's perception of cultural diversity and the concept of peace.
The two-day workshop in Cairo will begin by an official opening and the presentation of the concept of Writing Peace by his author, Eric Cattelain, PhD in Linguistics (France). This opening conference will be followed by a training dedicated to teachers and students on different “families” of writing systems of the Manual. A teachers’ debriefing session, as well as student surveys, will provide new opportunities to adapt and improve future training sessions and to equip them with the piloting tools across the experimentation process undertaken until July 2019.
This training is part of the Global Writing Peace Piloting, undertaken within the context of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022).
Writing Peace Manual - Training Tools and Resources
International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022)
Theme page:
Culture of Peace and Non-violence