Although human mobility is not a new phenomenon, data indicate that the number of people in this situation has reached its highest point since records began and there are no signs that the trend will decrease in the coming years. This scenario threatens to become a structural situation, strongly impacting the right to education and educational systems. Therefore, it is imperative that States and other key actors make a deep commitment to guarantee the fundamental right to education of people in situations of mobility through urgent measures, in line with the provisions of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. For this reason, the preparation of this Report on the right to education of people in situations of mobility in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic has been undertaken. The Report is an effort by UNESCO and the Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC/SICA) in collaboration with UNHCR, IOM, UNICEF, the Norwegian Refugee Council and RET International, and with the technical support of the SES Foundation and the UNESCO Chair for the Development of International Education at George Washington University (United States).