Co-organized by APCEIU, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and JoongAng Ilbo, and in partnership with UNESCO HQ, the International Conference on GCED: Platform on Pedagogy and Practice will be held on 24-25 October 2016 at Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel in Seoul, Republic of Korea. This Conference aims at providing a prime opportunity to kick off conversations on GCED, share current issues and good practices, as well as explore future steps in the area of GCED along with diverse participants from around the world under the overarching theme of GCED for SDGs: From Commitment to Action.
By gathering various key stakeholders and the general public together, the Conference will provide a platform for sharing practices, pedagogy, ideas, and insights on GCED and reinforcing partnerships and network among key stakeholders, while formulating strong advocacy and awareness raising on GCED and advancing GCED at the local, national, regional and global levels in the context of SDGs.
The Conference will be comprised of plenary and concurrent sessions in which about three hundred participants including GCED experts, practitioners, and educators from various sectors as well as general public who are interested in GCED can share diverse practices and pedagogical approaches.
On the first day of the Conference, the Keynote Session will run as a policy dialogue among policy makers. The dialogue will lead to sharing of their visions of education and expectations from adopting or highlighting GCED in their policy or agenda and discussing plans and strategies to cooperate to provide GCED with favorable policy environments, which will contribute to building sustainable and peaceful societies.
In the Panel Discussion, speakers representing different age groups, cultures, and expertise will exchange their understandings and conceptions of “global citizen” viable in their groups, trying to define their own meaning of being a global citizen in their groups and fields by listing up kind of capacity, skills, or attitudes required for global citizens. Braulio Guemez, a participant of 2nd Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED will voice out his experiences on being a global citizen as a youth. Sujan Shakya, a former member of the Non-Summit (TV Talk Show) will represent foreigners living in Korea, sharing his broad perspectives on various social and cultural issues. As a representative of corporate sector, Jay R. Lee, Corporate and Government Affairs Manager of Intel Asia & Pacific will share the insights and perspective gained from her extensive experiences in her career.
The concurrent sessions which are to be organized, designed and conducted by various educators and practitioners across the globe will feature participatory dialogues, innovative teaching-learning activities, demonstration of mini lessons and interactive discussions. The Concurrent Session 1: Actors of GCED featuring three parallel sessions will consist of best practices of GCED through presentations and mini-demonstrations by three key actors that are implementing GCEDㅡeducators, schools, and youth. Participants are expected to gain practical insights and advice from these case presentations.
The second day of the Conference starts off with GCED Talks: Learning to Live Together where socially influential people will share their ideas and views on learning to live harmony in TED-style talks. Young-suk YS Chi, a Chairman of Elsevier, Rediet Kefale from Ethiopia, 2nd Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED participant, and Seth Leighton, the CEO and Co-founder of Envoys will be invited to the stage one by one to share their genuine stories about the power of education transforming their lives as active and responsible global citizens. Following the GCED Talks, the GCED Youth Network Launching Ceremony and EIU Best Practices Awards Ceremony will be held as side events.
The second concurrent session (Thematic Approaches to GCED) will address the four pivotal thematic pillars in GCED: Building a Culture of Peace, Respect for Cultural Diversity, Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) and Sustainable Development and Human Rights. This interactive and participatory session will explore the values to be formed through GCED and the methods of delivery to nurture global citizenship.
The Last concurrent session (Learning Process and Assessment of GCED) features the actual process of GCED on the ground, specifically delving into designing, planning, teaching, and assessing GCED. Under this theme, participants will be able to gain practical knowledge and advice on how to actually teach and assess GCED.
This annual Conference aims to become a solid platform where GCED actors all over the world come together to share their various actions and practices in GCED and discuss ways GCED can advance further to resolve many critical global issues. At the Conference, advocacy, solidarity and partnerships will strengthen, which will surely leave remarkable changes in the world through the years.
If you wish to participate in this Conference, please register online at http://gced.unescoapceiu.org/conference/.